Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability
Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability

Andreas Wagner
Andreas Wagner, born 1959, studied mechanical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe before he worked as a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg from 1979 to 1987. His focus was on solar thermal systems, including solar walls, DHW systems and building energy concepts. Since 1995 he is a full Professor for Building Physics and Technical Building Services at the Department of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and head of the Building Science Group at the Institute of Design and Building Technology.
Besides teaching bachelor and master courses his research focuses on (a) building energy performance monitoring and analysis, (b) simulation-based energy efficient building concepts, and (c) on thermal comfort and occupant behaviour at workplaces. He has supervised or co-supervised more than 45 PhD Theses, 12 of which at other Universities. Former PhD students are now successful university faculty members or researchers in different countries, including 6 full Professors in Germany. Since 2018 he is Co-Operating Agent of the IEA EBC Annex 79 on ‘Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation’.
He has coordinated numerous national and international research projects, with a continuous annual budget of approx. 500.000 € (third party funding) over the last 20 years, and authored or co-authored more than 150 papers published in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and chapters in text books and other publications (h=17, Google Scholar). He also (co-) edited /wrote 5 scientific books.
He has been member of a large number of international Scientific Conference Committees and he chaired 4 conferences in Karlsruhe within the last 10 years. Since 2015 he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Energy and Buildings" and in the same year he was Guest Editor of this journal for a Special Issue on Occupant Behaviour. Since 2014 he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Bauphysik" and from 2011 to 2018 he was a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Advances in Building Energy Research”. Since 2015 he is a Member of the Advisory Board of the London - Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand.
He was Dean of KIT’s Department of Architecture twice over periods of 4 years each and is Vice Dean for Research since 2016. He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, in 2015/2016, and a Visiting Scholar at the College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado at Boulder in 2010, at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney in 2009 and at the College for Environmental Design, University of California Berkeley in 2006.
He was also (founding) partner of ip5 Consulting Engineers Karlsruhe from 1999 until 2016.
Selected Publications
Safizadeh, M. R.; Schweiker, M.; Wagner, A. (2018) Experimental Evaluation of Radiant Heating Ceiling Systems Based on Thermal Comfort Criteria. Energies, 11 (11), Article: 2932. doi:10.3390/en11112932.
Wagner, A.; O’Brien, W.; Dong, B. (Ed.) (2018) Exploring Occupant Behavior in Buildings: Methods and Challenges. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-61464-9.
Kleber, M.; Wagner, A. (2018) Investigation of indoor thermal comfort in warm-humid conditions at a German climate test facility. Building and Environment, 128, 216–224. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.11.018.
Schweiker, M.; Hawighorst, M.; Wagner, A. (2016) The influence of personality traits on occupant behavioural patterns. Energy and Buildings, 131, 63–75. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.09.019.
Hawighorst, M.; Schweiker, M.; Wagner, A. (2016) Thermo-specific self-efficacy (specSE) in relation to perceived comfort and control. Building and Environment, 102, 193–206. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.03.014.
Abdul-Zahra, A.; Faßnacht, T.; Glück, C.; Wagner, A. (2015) Simulation Study of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Collector Options for Solar-Assisted Heating of a Residential Building in Germany. Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015 “Advanced HVAC and Natural Gas Technologies”, Riga, Latvia, 6.-9. May 2015, 32–40. doi:10.7250/rehvaconf.2015.005.
Schakib-Ekbatan, K.; Cakici, F. Z.; Schweiker, M.; Wagner, A. (2015) Does the occupant behavior match the energy concept of the building? - Analysis of a German naturally ventilated office building. Building and Environment, 84, 142–150. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.10.018
Schweiker, M.; Wagner, A. (2015) A framework for an adaptive thermal heat balance model (ATHB). Building and Environment, 94 (P1), 252–262. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.08.018
Interesting Facts
In my personal life, I am trying to keep my body moving as often as possible; this includes running (I once finished a marathon in 2:53 h and a couple of others later between 3:15 and 3:30 h), tennis and workouts at the gym. I also enjoy hiking and cycling in Karlsruhe’s beautiful neighborhoods like the Black Forest, the Vosges (on the French side of the Rhine) or the Palatinate – of course always combined with good regional food and local wines.
For mental relaxation I watch movies or listen to music – I am pretty keen on going to jazz concerts (pretty sure once a week) and buying CDs, even in the era of streaming services. Probably less relaxation is guaranteed by my practicing jazz guitar – I am and will ever be an all-time advanced beginner, but I have a wonderful teacher who manages to still motivate me and push me forward. Cooking on weekends definitely also belongs to the things I love as well as exploring other countries – although travelling strongly determines part of my working life.
What would I take with me to a remote island? 2 CDs (Charles Lloyd: Voice in the Night; Philip Catherine: Plays Cole Porter) and 2 books (T.C. Boyle: Budding Prospects, Max Frisch: Homo Faber).
And finally: I have no Facebook account and I will never have! Which doesn’t mean that I have no friends … 😊