Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability
Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability

Chongqing Kang, Ph.D.
Chongqing Kang is full professor of electrical engineering in Tsinghua University. He is Chairman of Excutive Committee of Department of Electrical Engineering. From 2011 to 2014 he was the Director of Centre for Teaching Excellence, Tsinghua Univ. His research interest focused on power system planning, power system operation, renewable energy, low carbon electricity technology and load forecasting. He is the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He was supported by Fok Ying Tung foundation and enrolled in Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University by Ministry of Education. He was a
visiting scholar inCambridge University during 2007-2008. He was enrolled in the “Ten Thousand Talent Program” in 2016. He is the member of three special committees of CSEE(Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering), CES(China Electrotechnical Society) and CRES(China Renewable Energy Society). He was an invited speaker of the Super Session in IEEE PES General Meeting in July, 2015. He is Fellow of IEEE and IET. He is the senior member of CSEE.
He has been the PI for 9 grants supported by NSFC, in which 3 of them was supported to collaborate with UK(Royal Society), South Korea(NRF-National Research Foundation) and United States(TAMU). He leads one of the Major State Basic Research Development Program “Smart Grid Technology and Equipments” in 2016. He has been on the editorial board of 5 international journals including IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and Electric Power Systems Research and 4 Chinese journals indexed by EI.
He has published 3 monographs(in Chinese) as the first author and one book in English(second author). He published over 300 academic papers. In CNKI his papers have been cited over 7400 times and two of them were titled top 100 most influential papers in China in 2008 and 2012 respectively. His h-index is 46 in CNKI. In 2012 he published a paper in Scientific Reports by Nature Publishing Group. He obtained 15 authorized invention patents and 15 software copyrights.
He won the second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award in 2014. He and his team was granted the Institute Prize in Global Energy Forecasting Competition in 2014. He was granted one gold award and one silver award in the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva in 2016. He was granted two silver awards in the 10th Beijing Invention and Innovation Contest in 2016.
Selected Publications
Peng Zou, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Chang He and Chongqing Kang. Incentive Compatible Pool-based Electricity Market Design and Implementation: A Bayesian Mechanism Design Approach. Applied Energy, v 158 n 1 p 508-518, November 2015
Applied EnergyPeng Zou, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia, Guannan He, Chongqing Kang, Antonio J. Conejo. Pool equilibria including strategic storage. Applied Energy, v 177, p 260-270, September 2016
Applied EnergyNing Zhang, Xi Lu, Chris P. Nielsen, Michael B. McElroy, Xinyu Chen, Yu Deng, Chongqing Kang. Reducing Curtailment of Wind Electricity in China by Employing Electric Boilers for Heat and Pumped Hydro for Energy Storage. Applied Energy, v 184, p 987-994, December 2016
Applied EnergyPeng Zou, Qixin Chen, Yang Yu, Qing Xia and Chongqing Kang. Electricity Markets Evolution with the Changing Generation Mix:An Empirical Analysis based on China 2050 High Renewable Energy Penetration Roadmap. Applied Energy, v 185, p 56-67, January 2017
Interesting Facts
I enjoy Chinese poem(传统诗词) and Chinese riddle(灯谜).