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Karol Bandurski MSc

Karol Bandurski MSc is researcher at Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland. He studied environmental engineering with focus on indoor environment and HVAC systems at PUT and Aalborg University, Denmark (as Erasmus student). He is interested in human-building interaction, especially in residential, multifamily buildings, and it is the scope of his PhD. He was a participant of international project IEA EBC Annex 66 and observer of IEA EBC Annex 79.

Selected Publications
  1. Chen, C.; Hong, T.; Rubens, G.Z.; Yilmaz, S.; Bandurski, K.; Belafi, Z.D.; Simone, M.; Bavaresco, M.V.; Wang, Y.; Liu, P.; Barthelmes, V.; Adams, J.; D’Oca, S.; Przybylski, Ł. (2020). Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings. Energy Research & Social Science, 61, 101344.

  2. Bandurski, K.; Hamerla, M.; Szulc J.; Koczyk, H. (2017) The influence of multifamily apartment building occupants on energy and water consumption – the preliminary results of monitoring and survey campaign. E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 22, 00010

  3. Górka, A.; Górzeński, R; Szymański, M.; Bandurski, K. (2015) Multivariant measurements of airtightness of multi-family building. 36th AIVC conference, 5th TightVent conference, 3rd Venticool conference, Madrid, Spain, 23-24 September, 2015

Interesting Facts

The rest of time, after my very slow research work, I spent mainly with my family: Ewa and our four boys.

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