Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability
Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability

Kirsten Jenkins, Ph.D.
Dr Kirsten Jenkins is a social scientist with a specific interest in transitions towards clean, socially just energy systems. From December 2016 until February 2018, she served as a Research Fellow at the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand within the Science and Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex. There, Kirsten worked on a wide range of research projects focusing on energy justice and energy transitions. From March 2018 to September 2019, she took on a Lectureship in Human Geography and Sustainable Development at the University of Brighton. She currently resides within the Science, Technology and Innovation Studies group at the University of Edinburgh.
Prior to her academic appointments, Kirsten completed an ESRC-funded PhD entitled "Discourses of Energy Justice: The Case of Nuclear Energy" at the University of St Andrews in 2016.
Kirsten also serves as Managing Editor of the journal Energy Research & Social Science and as Associate Fellow of the Durham Energy Institute at the University of Durham. She has published extensively in the field of energy research and social science and regularly presents her research at international conferences.
Selected Publications
Köhler, J., Geels, F., Kern, F., Markard, J., Wieczorek, A.J., Alkemade, F., Avelino, F., Bergek, A., Boons, F., Fuenfschilling, L., Hess, D., Holtz, G., Hyysalo, S., Jenkins, K., Kivimaa, P., Martiskainen, M., McMeekin, A., Muehlemeier, S., Nykvist, B., Onsongo, E., Pel, B., Raven, R., Rohracher, H., Sanden, B., Schot, J., Sovacool, B.K., Turnheim, B., Welch, D. and Wells, P. (2019) ‘An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions’, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 31: 1-32.
Jenkins, K., 2018, ‘Setting energy justice apart from the crowd: Conceptual insights from the environmental and climate justice movements’, Energy Research & Social Science 39: 117-121.
Geels, F., Sorrell, S., Schwanen, T., Jenkins, K. and Sovacool, BK., 2017, ‘Reducing demand through low-energy innovation: A sociotechnical review and critical research agenda, Energy Research & Social Science 40: 23-35.
Sovacool, BK., Kivimaa, P., Hielscher, S. and Jenkins, K., 2017, ‘Vulnerability and resistance in the smart grid transition: policy lessons from the non-technical barriers to the United Kingdom’s smart meter implementation program’, Energy Policy 109: 767-781.
Jenkins, K., McCauley, D., Heffron, R., Stephan, H., and Rehner, R., 2016, ‘Energy Justice: A Conceptual Review’, Energy Research and Social Science 11: 174-182.
Interesting Facts
Kirsten is also a loyal Scottish Highlander and although work is taking her away at present, has vowed to return one day to a country house with a garden big enough for a llama. Kirsten regrets her addiction to Irn Bru and notes her genuine fear of lemons.