Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability
Dr. Laura M. Arpan is the Theodore Clevenger Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Communication at Florida State University. Dr. Arpan’s research examines risk perceptions, human motivation and responses to pro-environmental messages, interventions, and related technologies. Her projects focus on the effectiveness of promotional messages and outreach efforts designed to encourage sustainable behaviors such as energy conservation and efficiency. Recent work has examined Americans’ attitudes toward energy conservation and sustainability, factors enhancing the effectiveness of information campaign messages promoting energy-use-reduction and sustainability

Mateus Bavaresco
Bio: Mateus Bavaresco is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), working at the Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Buildings (LabEEE: http://www.labeee.ufsc.br/). During the masters, his research covered the influence of occupant behavior in balancing daylight use and thermal performance of offices under cooling conditions. Currently, he is interested in the potential of combining social science insights and technological innovations to assess and model occupant behavior in buildings. For doing so, he collaborates with a group from Control and Automation Engineering to develop an IoT-based tool to monitor human-building interactions at UFSC.
Selected Publications
Bavaresco, M.V.; D’Oca, S.; Ghisi, E.; Lamberts, R. (2020). Methods used in social sciences that suit energy research: A literature review on qualitative methods to assess the human dimension of energy use in buildings. Energy and Buildings, 209, 109702.
Chen, C.; Hong, T.; Rubens, G.Z.; Yilmaz, S.; Bandurski, K.; Belafi, Z.D.; Simone, M.; Bavaresco, M.V.; Wang, Y.; Liu, P.; Barthelmes, V.; Adams, J.; D’Oca, S.; Przybylski, Ł. (2020). Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings. Energy Research & Social Science, 61, 101344.
Bavaresco, M.V.; D’Oca, S.; Ghisi, E.; Lamberts, R. (2019). Technological innovations to assess and include the human dimension in the building-performance loop: A review. Energy and Buildings, 202, 109365.
Bavaresco, M.V.; Ghisi, E. (2018). Influence of user interaction with internal blinds on the energy efficiency of office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 166, 538-549.
Interesting Facts
I love spending time outdoors in contact with nature. Also, I am into sports: used to play Basketball at school, and like following volleyball championships.