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SECRET Member Recent Activities

Writer's picture: nevetsauhsojnevetsauhsoj

Collaborative Projects in Progress:

  • Andreas Wagner and Marcel Schweiker from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, are part of a new IEA Energy Building Community (EBC) Annex. Andreas Wagner is co-organizing (with Liam O'Brien from Carleton University) the planning workshop that will help develop key research goals and scope, set targets (e.g., books, papers, policy changes, demonstration projects, software tools, data collection, etc.), and allow potential Annex members to begin collaborating. The event will take place at University College London (UCL) in London on April 11 and the morning of April 12. Registration (by March 15) is here:

  • Chien-fei Chen from CURENT, University of Tennessee (UTK) and Tianzhen Hong from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) have been leading an international occupant behavioral survey across seven countries since 2017. The data collection was completed in December 2017 and are in the process of cleaning and analyzed. Our members, Amy Kim from University of Washington (UW), Yu Wang from Iowa State University (ISU) and Yimin Zhu from Louisiana State University (LSU), are also part of the team.

  • Carol Menassa and Da Li (PH.D. student) from University of Michigan (UM), and Xiaojing Xu (post-doc of UTK) and Chien-fei Chen are working on a paper about energy behaviors in commercial buildings among 1500 employees using integrated theoretical framework.

  • Yohei Yamaguchi from Osaka University in Japan and Chien-fei Chen are collaborating a project using the integrated modeling approach of combining social science survey data and demand response modeling (using 3 data sources).

  • Andrea Mammoli from University of New Mexico (UNM) and Xiaojing Xu and Chien-fei Chen are analyzing a data regarding demand response, energy behaviors, and social dilemma during extreme events.

Invited Presentations and Collaborations:

  • Sez Atamturktur Russcher from Clemson University is coming to CURENT on April 27th to present the topic of Institutional and Cultural Changes in Engineering Disciplines.

  • During April 14th-20th, 2018, Chien-fei Chen will visit Fei Teng (Imperial College London, UK), Jianzhong Wu (Cardiff University, UK) and Evangelos Pournaras (ETH, Switzerland) and discuss research collaboration and the challenges of integrating social science, engineering and computing methods. This could lead to potential workshop and book chapter ideas.

  • Yohei Yamaguchi is coming to CURENT in Knoxville from March 23th-30th, and on March 27th he will present: “Activity-based Community/Urban-scale Modelling of Building Energy Demand” to all CURENT faculty and students. A future collaboration will be also discussed.

  • Tianzhen Hong (LBNL) presented a talk on February 6th at CURENT, University of Tennessee: “Scaling up building energy efficiency: Connecting smart cities and communities.”

Submitted Research Proposals:

  • Donatello Materassi from UTK and Chen-fei Chen submitted a proposal to the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) program of Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP) on March 7th. The proposal has a cool title: The Unbearable Brittleness of Being (Connected): A common modeling framework for systemic risk within and across infrastructures. Along with three other collaborators, Donatello and Chien-fei also submitted a second NSF proposal on February 28th to the program of smart connected community (SCC) entitled, “FREEBIE - Flexible Resource Exchange by Behavior Intervention and Exploration” with other three collaborators on the topic of buildings and power grid.

  • Carol Menassa (UM), Chien-fei Chen (UTK) and other three collaborators submitted a proposal to the NSF smart connected community (SCC) program on February 28th: Enabling Independent Mobility in People with Physical Disabilities by Advancing Technological, Human and Social Integration in Urban Communities.


  • Kirsten Jenkins from the University of Brighton, UK published a new paper entitled, “Humanizing sociotechnical transitions through energy justice: An ethical framework for global transformative change.” This framework has potentials for engineers and computer scientists to consider when they develop modeling or measurements.

  • Xiaojing Xu and Chien-fei Chen published a new paper: Xu, X., Chen, C.F., Zhu, X., & Hu, Q. (2018). Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the United States: Financial incentive versus control option. Energy, 147, 1278-1287.

  • Chien-fei Chen published a new paper with power system engineers using social science survey methods: Asadinejad, A., Rahimpour, A., Tomsovic, K., Qi, H., & Chen, C-.F. (2018). Evaluation of residential customer elasticity for incentive based demand response programs. Electric Power Systems Research, 158, 26-36.

  • Laura Arpan from Florida State University (FSU) along with Xiaojing Xu and Chien-fei Chen are revising their publication entitled, “Can this issue be reframed? Using moral foundations theory to frame messages promoting residential renewable energy programs among U.S. liberals and conservatives.”



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