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Qinran Hu
Associate Professor,

School of Electrical Engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing, China

My current work consists of four areas:
1) Aggregated control of distributed energy resources.
2) Analysis of energy consumption pattern
3) Economic assessment of energy system operation

Selected Publications
  1. Hu, Qinran, et al. "A framework of residential demand aggregation with financial
    incentives." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no.1, pp. 497-505, 2019

  2. Li, Yingying, Qinran Hu, and Na Li. "Learning and selecting the right customers for
    reliability: A multi-armed bandit approach."  IEEE Conference on Decision and
    Control (CDC), 2018.

A Little More about Me

I test various novel theories, I make hardware, and I study how these theories and hardware can help everyone interact with future energy systems. In the age of specialization, some might perceive this a lack of focus. But my experience taught me that some great ideas have come from the serendipitous cross-pollination of various interests. I always remember Jobs’ commencement address “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. ” Here, you may find some works which seem unrelated to conventional power systems research. But they are all originated from my vision of future energy systems: I believe the energy systems will be integrated with medical systems, financial systems, transportation systems, and imperceptibly change the life of each resident. So, in here hope you can find more about my research.

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