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Xiaojing Xu, Ph.D.

I am a social psychologist by training, and I am committed to promoting better decision-making for individuals, organizations, and societies. My specialties include survey and experiment design, data analytics, statistical modeling and estimation, etc. 
I am a keen learner of new knowledge and skills and a firm believer in interdisciplinary collaboration. I have been involved in multiple projects across psychology, communication, business, and electrical engineering. 

Selected Publications
  1. Xu, X., Chen, C., Zhu, X., & Hu, Q. (2018). Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the united states: Financial incentive versus control option. Energy, 147, 1278-1287.

  2. Xu, X., Maki, A., Chen, C., Dong, B., & Day J. K. (2017). Investigating willingness to save energy and communication about energy use in the American workplace with the attitude-behavior-context model. Energy Research & Social Science, 32, 13-22.

  3. Chen, C., Xu, X., & Day J. K. (2017). Thermal comfort or money saving? Exploring intentions to conserve energy among low-income households in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 26, 61-71.

  4. Chen, C., Xu, X., & Arpan L. M. (2017). Between the technology acceptance model and sustainable energy technology acceptance model: Investigating smart meter acceptance in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 25, 93-104.

  5. Chen, C., Xu, X., & Frey S. R. (2016). Who wants solar water heaters and alternative fuel vehicles? Assessing social–psychological predictors of adoption intention and policy support in China. Energy Research & Social Science, 15, 1-11.

  6. Xu, X., Arpan, L. M. & Chen C. (2015). The moderating role of individual differences in responses to benefit and temporal framing of messages promoting residential energy saving. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 95-108.

  7. Parks, C. D., Xu, X., & Van Lange, P. A. (2015). Does information about others’ behavior undermine cooperation in social dilemmas? Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10.1177/1368430215612220.

Interesting Facts

Besides research, I love hiking, baking, and cooking, and my favorite part is to try out and devise new recipes. I'd like to say I am a huge fan of detective stories, although it has been years since I last finished a substantial piece. Now I read far more children's books than any other types of literature for an obvious reason- my sweet little one!

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