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A Community Co-Designed Weatherization and Microgrid Plan for Equitable Energy Security and Environmental Health

Funding source: Wellcome Trust Foundation, London; 8/1/2023-5/31/2026.
This project aims to provide climate mitigation solutions, i.e., community microgrids and weatherization with electrification for reducing energy burdens and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve physical and mental health for underserved communities, such as low-to-moderate income households.

Planning-CRISES: Southeast Center for Just, Resilient, and Sustainable Ecosystems (SECURE)

Funding source: Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation; 9/2023-8/2024
The overarching aim of this proposed interdisciplinary SECURE is to advance convergent and use-inspired research, education, and outreach ecosystems for mitigating climate impacts and developing solutions that strengthen the power grid, built environment, transportation, and health infrastructures with the integration of social-behavioral, technological, policy, and community engagement factors.

SAI-R: Community-centered Decision-making Framework for Microgrid Deployment to Enhance Energy Justice and Power System Resilience

Funding source: National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science
Division; 08/2023-07/2026
This SAI research project provides equitable and sustainable solutions by designing mobile community microgrids to enhance power system resilience and address critical issues of energy justice and insecurity. The project optimizes the design and placement of mobile community microgrids, balancing the unique needs of low-income households, community acceptance, and government regulations to ensure energy equity and justice and to maximize resilience against extreme events.

Smart Connected Community (SCC-IRG) Track 1: “Advancing Human-Centered Sociotechnical Research for Enabling Independent Mobility in People with Physical Disabilities

Funding source: Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) 2124857, National Science Foundation; 10/2022-9/2025.
End-to-end mobility for people with physical disabilities who rely on wheelchairs in daily activities is improved in this project. Engaging various stakeholders, including veterans with disabilities, patient care experts, and public service experienced individuals, a user-centered autonomy will be created.

Strengthening American Infrastructure (SAI-R): Integrating Cognitive, Social, and Engineering Principles for Large-Scale Planning of Public Charging Infrastructure

Funding source: National Science Foundation, Social Behavioral Economic Science Division 2323732; 9/2023-8/2026
Bridge the gap by building the theoretical foundation that underpins the human cognitive and decision-making process on charging station adoption and promote transformative human-centered research in the planning of public charging station networks.

US-Japan Exchange Program for Green Growth Collaboration through Clean Energy Technology (EXCET)

Funding source: US. Department of State; 8/1/2023-8/31/2024.
The University of Tennessee seeks to develop the U.S.-Japan Exchange Program for Green Growth Collaboration through EXCET with the objective to promote the sharing of original ideas, best practices and policies between two countries in the areas of cleaner energy technologies, green innovation, market and infrastructure, and workforce development, focusing on alternative fuel vehicles and building energy technologies.

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